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Supported Charities

We support a wide variety of local, national and international organizations doing good in our communities and hope you will join us in supporting these efforts. Listed below in no certain order are a few of our favorites for your consideration. If you want to learn more about them, visit their web sites and/or review them on Charity Navigator.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
St. Jude is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility. Discoveries made here have completely changed how the world treats children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. With research and patient care under one roof, St. Jude is where some of today’s most gifted researchers are able to do science more quickly. All patients accepted for treatment at St. Jude are treated without regard to the family’s ability to pay.

Hole in the Wall Camps (Camp Boggy Creek)
A year round camp for seriously ill children that offers weeklong summer sessions for the children and family retreat weekends for the whole family. There is no charge to the children or families who come to Boggy Creek. Camp Boggy Creek is a proud member of The Association of Hole In The Wall Camps founded by Paul Newman.

Neat Stuff
Their mission is to provide free brand new clothing, shoes, accessories and gifts to meet some of the basic needs of abused, neglected
and other children in distress, allowing them to dress with pride and dignity, inspiring their self worth. They have provided approximately 37,000 new wardrobes along with feelings of self pride and dignity to young victims of crime, poverty and homelessness.

March of Dimes – March for Babies
The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

Water for People
Water For People helps people in developing countries improve their quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities and health and hygiene education programs. They believe in the dignity of all people and that access to safe drinking water and effective sanitation are basic human rights. Their vision is a world where all people have access to safe drinking water and sanitation; a world where no one suffers or dies from a water- or sanitation-related disease. is dedicated to addressing the scarcity and inequitable distribution of learning materials and experiences in our public schools. Educators post proposals and donors can choose which program to fund, many local. Most proposals are not simply requests for materials but fantastic ideas for helping students learn. Thanks to the participation of dedicated and imaginative teachers, has become a showcase of original and successful student projects.

Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund
This group provides support for the families of military personnel lost in service to our nation, and for severely wounded military personnel and veterans. These efforts are funded entirely with donations from the public, and hundreds of thousands of individuals have contributed to the Fund. 100% of contributions raised by the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund go towards these programs.

Fisher House Foundation
The Fisher House™ program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House™ Foundation donates “comfort homes,” built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times – during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. No family pays to stay at any Fisher House!

Army Emergency Relief
AER is the Army’s own emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to “Helping the Army Take Care of Its Own”. AER provides commanders a valuable asset in accomplishing their basic command responsibility for the morale and welfare of soldiers.

Disabled American Veterans
With more than 1.4 million members, Disabled American Veterans is an organization of disabled veterans who are focused on building better lives for disabled veterans and their families. The organization accomplishes this goal by providing free assistance to veterans in obtaining benefits and services earned through their military service. It is fully funded through its membership dues and public contributions. It is not a government agency and receives no government funds.

Save Ellis Island
The mission of Save Ellis Island, the official fundraising partner of the National Park Service, is to raise the private funding necessary to rehabilitate, restore and put to beneficial reuse the currently deteriorated and unused buildings of Ellis Island.

Florida Marlins Community Foundation/Cornerstones for Kids
The purpose of this not-for-profit charitable organization is to promote educational, athletic, health, social and community service programs with a particular focus on South Florida’s youth.

(These links are provided strictly for convenience and informational purposes. We are not responsible for any content of these sites or any of the policies of these organizations. Listing on this web site does not imply endorsement by these organizations of our company or products.)

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